Extended School Year

This page uses data to determine whether a student qualifies to receive extended school services.

Seven (7) total Yes/No qualifying questions are asked to determine if a student qualifies to participate in ESY:

  1. Does the student's IEP include annual goals related to critical life skills?

  2. Is there a likely chance of substantial regression of critical life skills caused by the normal school break and a failure to recover those lost skills in a reasonable time?

  3. Is the student demonstrating a degree of progress toward mastery of IEP goals related to critical life skills?

  4. Is there a presence of emerging skills or breakthrough opportunities?

  5. Are there significant interfering behaviors?

  6. Does the nature and severity of the disability warrant ESY?

  7. Are there other special circumstances that require ESY?

If the answer to any one of the qualifying questions is Yes, then the student may participate in ESY. A challenge for many parents is, that although they may see a skill (such as reading) as critical, the questions really revolve around wether that critical skill will be "lost" or significantly impacted WITHOUT extended school year services. In many circumstances, particularly for students participating in the general education curriculum, the answer may be No.

However, if the student does meet the requirements for these services, parents decide if they would like to send ​their student to summer school.

Student/School Info


District Statewide Assessments

Performance Summary



Special Considerations & Accommodations

Instructional Testing Accommodations

Supp Aids and Services




Least Restrictive Environment